Best Practices in Teaching Legal Research (The Boulder Conference)

The American Association of Law Librarians is meeting this weekend in Boston Massachusetts and best practices in teaching legal research is a hot topic.

In the two days preceding the AALL meeting, an ad hoc working group of librarians (which I was privileged to join as an emissary) met at Harvard Law School for the Fourth Conference on Legal Information: Scholarship and Teaching (known as “The Boulder Conference”). The first Boulder Conference was held to respond to the Carnegie and Best Practices reports, neither of which addressed information literacy and legal research education with much depth at all. The group produced the Boulder Statement on Legal Research Education and the Signature Pedagogy Statement (which you can find at In subsequent conferences, the group has gone on to encourage significant scholarship on the pedagogy of legal research education and will be producing a book on the subject, which will include a template for creating legal research classes based on the signature pedagogy. For more information, contact Susan Nevelow Mart at or talk to your local law librarian!

2 Responses

  1. What a great venue for the AALL. With technology changing the way lawyers do research every day, I still think that a valuable and fundamental skill is for law students and lawyers to be familiar with the old school library research techniques as well as the up to date by the minute internet libraries.

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